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날씨 정보 (US & World)
www.cnn.com/weather (F° |C°)
www.google.com/ig?hl=en#max4 (F° |C°)
숙박업소 Backpackers Hostel
Beds (Dormitory) / Private Room (single & double)
* taxes included
* Preferred Rates..... Save 10~20% (off listed rates)
www.hosteltimes.com/Kr (한국어 검색 가능함)
www.iLoveInn.com Best B&B Guide (= Bed and Breakfast)
www.roomsaver.com B&B 쿠폰 Guide 책자 (A-A-A와 서로 중복)
Pack Your Passion. Go.
배낭 여행자 cf. Budget Traveler
Hiker's Guide
The Backpacker's Bible
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American Hiking Society
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'여행·산행 팁(Tip)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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[스크랩] 호도협트래킹 계획중인 분들께(요즘요.....) (0) | 2009.12.02 |
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